Because of the difficulty downloading disk images from geographic distance or sites that may not translate well, this is a collection of important boot images for members of the D1 RISC-V processor. We have collected images and information from Fedora RISC-V Project and Debian RISC-V project  as well as some information by Sunxi.  The information is mostly targeting the Nezha class of boards, but may be useful for other boards based on the Allwinner D1or D1s/F133 chips, particularly those built by Sipeed.

There is a security measure enforced by our hosting service that everything has to be served as a zip file. Thus images that are already a compressed image (.zst, .gz, .img, etc.) are zipped again. Sorry.



  • Debian riscv64/D1 0.6.1 image, RVBoards
  • Debian riscv64/D1 0.4.1 LXDE RVBoards
  • Debian riscv64/D1 0.4 LXDE image, RVBoards
  • Debian riscv64/D1 v0.3 MIPI card
  • Debian riscv64/D1 v0.3 HDMI card
  • Debian riscv64/D1 v0.2 LXDE image, RVBoards
  • Debian riscv64/D1 v0.2 console